- Video playback, I have not got it working in XBMC under Arch Linux. Probably driver or codec problems, it's almost always drivers or file permissions.
- Truecrypt performance. Transfer speeds are 17 MB/s for Twofish, and 6,5 MB/s for AES encryption, which is not enough for a demanding file server, but will work fine for a simple home media center.
- Unencrypted transfer speeds over gigabit network seems to be peaking at about 30 MB/s on the file server, I am not sure however if this is due to the CuBox or the network, as I cannot verify any other sources as faster on the network. The router states 300 Mbit/s, and that might be for wired connections too.
Currently, the CuBox is serving the network with music, and in the short-distant future, it will probably be movies, CD-books and other files too. The 250G-drive will be exchanged for a pack of 3 RAIDed 3T-drives after christmas. I really need some extra storage space, both my 500G encrypted drive and the 750G drive from the old laptop are nearly filled. I'll try to organize them a little and save some space, but I do need more storage space, even though I might be able to save some by cleaning the two external drives I have. I have to order drives soon, though.
I also have got myself a memory card for the Raspberry Pi, so now I just have to flash it with the Raspbian image and start configuring it. I will most probably send it to a friend as a torrent seeding server to distribute music for local bands, a little project I have been thinking about for a couple of days. For that, I'll need the 500G-drive avaliable, though. So I need to get myself some storage space. I'll get my hands on some 3T drives soon enough, and then I just need a case for them. I have been looking around for that for some time, but without much luck. I found one, which then became out of stock everywhere. But I'll keep my eyes open.
I'm still hoping to get my hands on a Cubieboard soon enough, as they have started shipping them to peope who preordered. I'll prepare a home media center ready for our livingroom at least for next christmas, but it needs rigorous testing before I can give it to my parents. Anyway, not much more to do at the moment Merry christmas! Even though christmas technically ended before I finished writing this...