So, I receieved the dock and external battery for my Lenovo Thinkpad a few days ago, and I love them! The battery combination currently reports 80% and 15 hours left, after being in school for two hours and using the computer on the way here. The dock is a different story, and I am still working on getting the monitor inputs to work. However, I found a way of enabling the external monitor which requires minimal Xorg configuration, and will (hopefully) get me into a working triple monitor setup. The guide is avaliable here, if you're also a concerned Thinkpad user. So far, the external monitors does not work flawlessly, but I am working on it and expect to have a fully usable dual monitor setup by the end of the week.
One thing happened on the media center, I found a TV. It is a 46 inch Panasonic plasma, and I was very lucky to find it. We tested it with the Xbox 360 and a couple of movies, and I can say it was a very good deal. So now I can finally test the CuBox without having to move down to the bottom floor and borrow the living room TV. I have begun a little hacking on the Raspberry Pi, but just a little. The CuBox is the main focus for the moment, and a working XBMC and file server in the same unit is my goal. We'll see about that.
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